juliana snapper


At Each Other’s Throats (2017)

At Each Other’s Throats is a Juliana Snapper’s original, commissioned, site-specific work.

The performance, which took place at The Broad contemporary art museum (Los Angeles, CA, USA) on February 4, 2017, was part of the Broad Foundation’s Tip of Her Tongue (2015—2017), a queer feminist performance series curated by Prof. Jennifer Doyle.

At Each Other’s Throats approaches the building as a body, its interior of vaulted curves and tunneling orifices like an enormous throat and mouth, waiting to speak.

Collaborating with mathematician and sound designer Miller Puckette, Juliana Snapper taps into the resonant frequencies of the building, intrinsic pitches audible only when certain sounds are breathed into them.

Resonate the spaces of The Broad

Juliana Snapper at The Broad Museum, LA, CA, USA: At Each Other's Throats, excerpt (Feb. 4, 2017)

Joined by Nova Vocal Ensemble and The Jouyssance Early Music Ensemble, Juliana Snapper took her genre-pushing performance throughout the museum’s lobby and galleries to resonate the spaces of The Broad.

On stage and… behind the scenes

Juliana Snapper on stage at The Broad (Feb. 4, 2017.)
Juliana Snapper at The Broad (Feb. 4, 2017.)