juliana snapper


En écho (2003—2017)

En écho is a work composed by Philippe Manoury for soprano and real-time electronics — in collaboration with mathematician and sound designer Miller Puckette

In March 2003, Juliana Snapper sang the American premiere of En écho at the Sounds French Festival (Philosophy Hall at Columbia University, New York City, NY).

Since then, over the past twenty years, she has performed the piece in different venues many times including:

A 2017 BIFEM highlight

Manoury’s En écho, by Juliana Snapper

Juliana Snapper and Miller Puckette — two legendary, long-standing collaborators — performed together as a part of a guest residency at 2017 BIFEM (Bendigo International Festival of Exploratory Music) [web.archive.org].

The recital showcased the Australian premiere of En écho, a live recorded concert which took place on 2017, Sept. 3, at the Bendigo Bank Theatre, Australia — mixed by Myles Mumford and Jem Savage at Rolling Stock Studios, Collingwood.

The composer elaborates :

 I composed En écho at IRCAM in Paris, in 1993 and 1994, during my collaboration with the mathematician Miller Puckette. It was the first time in the history of electronic music that the vocal part of a composition was automatically followed by the computer which was making a real-time analysis of sounds of the voice to be used in — creating the synthetic sounds. A large part of the synthetic sounds is not pre-composed, as it is the case in the traditional approach of electronic music, but it is deduced from the analysis of diverse aspects of the interpretation of the song. I have imagined and stipulated new rules of composition which are absolutely directed towards the real-time situation, integrating live performance and electronics. My goal was to create a closer intimacy between the interpreter and the electronic music, as if the sounds diffused from the loudspeakers were a 'mirror' of the soprano solo’s voice. 

“Thinking Back on the Ojai Music Festival”

 No one else on stage. Just undertaking something like this takes a soprano of great skill and pitch with, possibly a large measure of self-confidence thrown in. Juliana Snapper, from Los Angeles, had all of those things, and more. 
Sequenza 21/, JerryZ,
June 10, 2008
See further: